Valery Vernikovsky, Academician of the RAS, Professor, Doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences specializing in Geotectonics and Geodynamics. A renowned specialist in the field of geology, tectonics, geodynamics, and petrology. Scientific works, participation in many international geological congresses and conferences, as well as the organization of international geological expeditions to Taimyr, Severnaya Zemlya, and the New Siberian Islands brought V. A. Vernikovsky international fame. His most significant publications are related to the geological, tectonic, and petrological-geochemical study of the folded-thrust belts of Siberia and the Arctic. He developed models of the spatial position of lithospheric plates during the formation of the Rodinia and Pangea supercontinents, as well as kinematic models of the formation of the structure of the Arctic and the western outskirts of Siberia.
Research interests: geology, tectonics, geodynamics, and petrology.
Systematic Studies of Natural Processes in the Arctic
The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation today is the least explored region of Russia from the point of view of assessing the influence of various natural processes on the activities for its development and development. Warming in the Arctic is at least three times greater than the global average. A clear indication of such climate change is the rapid decline in the area and volume of Arctic sea ice. The results of calculations with climate models show that, perhaps, in the second half of the 21st century, the water area will be completely free of ice in the summer-autumn months. Such assessments speak in favor of intensifying the development of the Northern Sea Route as a promising transport route.