I. N. Rozenberg

  • Russian University Of Transport (MIIT)

Igor Naumovich Rosenberg – Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, specializing in geoinformatics. Scientific director of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Scientific director of the “Transport Science” Association, member of the Academic Council of RUT (MIIT), member of the Joint Academic Council of JSC Russian Railways. Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Environment and Transport”, Chairman of the Coordination Council for Transport Science under the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Research interests: geoinformatics, geodesy and navigation systems, theories of systems and control, theories of graphs and hypergraphs, fuzzy sets, intelligent control systems, decision-making systems and uncertainty models, information technology, automation and telemechanics.


  • Environment and Transport

    The development of water, land and air transport has a significant impact on the state of the marine environment, air, soils, waters and the functioning of ecosystems. Exhaust gases and noise, oil pollution, and toxic compounds create a great burden on the environment and poison living organisms. Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxides contribute to the deepening of the greenhouse effect, rising temperatures and climate change on our planet. More than 70% of CO₂ air pollution comes from land road transport, water transport accounts for 14% of CO₂ emissions, and about 14% of air pollution comes from civil aviation and rail transport. There is a need to develop new environmental solutions that can minimize environmental damage. On the other hand, ongoing climate changes significantly affect the infrastructure and performance of road, rail, sea and river transport. These and other issues will be addressed at the Session “Environment and Transport”.