Natural and anthropogenic Disasters

V. G. Bondur Aerocosmos Research Institute
V. N. Tatarinov Geophysical Center of RAS

Geodynamic instability is the cause of many natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, mudflows, etc. Natural factors can initiate man-made accidents (collapses of buildings and structures, mine explosions, damage to the integrity of dams, etc.) and, conversely, man-made processes have a negative impact on the natural environment, leading to environmental accidents. The specifics of our country (huge territory, high level of deterioration of production assets and infrastructure, etc.) determine the need to develop special methods and technologies for monitoring natural and man-made disasters, as well as measures to reduce the exposure of the population and economy to risks from them. The solution to this problem is inextricably linked with the systematic analysis of large volumes of spatial geological and geophysical data, which are characterized by noise, diversity and incompleteness for making informed decisions. The purpose of the scientific session is to discuss modern tools, methodology, as well as research results in the field of Earth sciences that contribute to the effective solution of problems of monitoring and reducing the risks of natural and man-made disasters.

Environment and Transport

A. G. Kostyanoy The Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of RAS / Geophysical Center of RAS
I. N. Rozenberg Russian University Of Transport (MIIT)

The development of water, land and air transport has a significant impact on the state of the marine environment, air, soils, waters and the functioning of ecosystems. Exhaust gases and noise, oil pollution, and toxic compounds create a great burden on the environment and poison living organisms. Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxides contribute to the deepening of the greenhouse effect, rising temperatures and climate change on our planet. More than 70% of CO₂ air pollution comes from land road transport, water transport accounts for 14% of CO₂ emissions, and about 14% of air pollution comes from civil aviation and rail transport. There is a need to develop new environmental solutions that can minimize environmental damage. On the other hand, ongoing climate changes significantly affect the infrastructure and performance of road, rail, sea and river transport. These and other issues will be addressed at the Session “Environment and Transport”.

Geoinformatics in Earth Sciences

R. I. Krasnoperov Geophysical Center of RAS
G. M. Steblov Institute of Earthquake Forecast Theory and Mathematical Geophysics of RAS

The continuous growth of spatial data volumes in the field of geosciences requires the use of the entire complex of modern information technologies. Over more than 60 years of history, geographic information systems (GIS) have become one of the key tools for analyzing spatial information in solving a wide range of problems. The session will be devoted to current issues of applying geoinformatics methods and introducing modern GIS technologies in geology, geophysics, geography and other fields of science.

Systems Analysis and Big Data

A. D. Gvishiani Geophysical Center of RAS
Е. А. Rovenskaya International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

The data obtained during research on our planet is of great value to the scientific community. Their preservation, processing and analytics are a top priority. Data volumes in geosciences for the most part already meet the definition of Big Data. This opens up enormous opportunities for their system analysis. The scientific session is devoted to the collection, storage, analysis of data, as well as the underlying mathematical apparatus.

Systematic Studies of Natural Processes in the Arctic

M. K. Kaban Geophysical Center of RAS
V. A. Vernikovsky Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University

The Arctic zone of the Russian Federation today is the least explored region of Russia from the point of view of assessing the influence of various natural processes on the activities for its development and development. Warming in the Arctic is at least three times greater than the global average. A clear indication of such climate change is the rapid decline in the area and volume of Arctic sea ice. The results of calculations with climate models show that, perhaps, in the second half of the 21st century, the water area will be completely free of ice in the summer-autumn months. Such assessments speak in favor of intensifying the development of the Northern Sea Route as a promising transport route.

System Analysis of Seismic Hazard

A. V. Ponomarev The Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of RAS
P. N. Shebalin Institute of Earthquake Forecast Theory and Mathematical Geophysics of RAS / Geophysical Center of RAS

The section will be devoted to the implementation of systems analysis tools in the tasks of seismic hazard assessment (including from aftershocks), earthquake forecasting, mapping seismic regime parameters, potential seismogenic structures and SSZ, creating representative earthquake catalogs, processing and interpretation of seismological data, etc. Welcome reports on system analysis and integration of methods, approaches and assessments of seismic hazard, the use of artificial intelligence tools in problems of seismic zoning and processing of seismological information.

Geomagnetism and space weather

A. N. Didenko The Kosygin Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics of FEB RAS
A. A. Soloviev Geophysical Center of RAS

The geomagnetic field permeates all shells of the solid Earth, the hydrosphere and atmosphere, extends into space and plays an important role in many natural processes. Changes in the geomagnetic field in time and space provide important information about deep processes in the Earth, as well as solar-terrestrial connections and the state of space weather. Advances in high-precision magnetic field measurements by ground-based and space-based means, coupled with the development of mathematical tools for solving computationally intensive problems, have made it possible to study variations in the main magnetic field generated by processes in the liquid core and at the core-mantle boundary on time scales from 1 year to billions of years . Solar wind parameters and derived indicators of solar activity (e.g. geomagnetic indices) quantify the energy storage in certain regions of the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere system and are used as basic tools in statistical studies of solar energy. Thus, ongoing experimental research must be combined with the development and implementation of methods of mathematical modeling, geoinformatics, artificial intelligence and system analysis to solve fundamental problems of geomagnetism. Intensive accumulation of spatial data requires the use of effective and modern information analysis technologies. The session will present the latest results on current issues in modern geomagnetic research.

Instrumentation for research in geosciences

D. V. Kudin Geophysical Center of RAS
M. P. Lebedev Yakut Scientific Center of SB RAS

Conducting geophysical research and developing geophysical models is inseparable from improving methods of measurement and data processing. Despite the constant increase in the quantity and quality of measurements carried out on research satellites in near-Earth space, in many areas of geophysics, ground-based continuous measurements continue to be the most accurate and long-term series of observations. Regular geophysical instrumental observations began more than 300 years ago and have become an integral part of applied and fundamental scientific research. The session is devoted to the theory and practice of instrumental geophysical observations, including the development of new measuring instruments, methods for processing initial data, experience in scientific and methodological support for observatory and field observations.

Oil, gas and mining complexes

D. Zh. Akmatov Geophysical Center of RAS
S. V. Krivovichev Kola Science Center of the RAS

The oil and gas and mining complexes play an important role in the Russian economy. The trend towards digitalization of these areas opens up enormous prospects in the context of data science. Working with such increasing volumes of data will allow us to obtain new knowledge about the structure and processes occurring in the fields. Modeling and predictive analytics, including using Big Data technologies, will help identify new dependencies that trigger subsequent optimization cycles.