D. Zh. Akmatov

  • Geophysical Center of RAS

Dastan Akmatov – candidate of technical sciences in the specialty “Geomechanics, rock destruction, mine aerogasdynamics and mining thermal physics”. He graduated from the National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Mining Institute) in 2019 in the direction of “Mining”. specialization “Mine surveying”. Since 2022, he has been working at the Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences as a research fellow in the geodynamics laboratory.

Research interests: geomechanics, geodynamics, structural geology, tectonophysics, geotectonics, engineering geology.


  • Oil, gas and mining complexes

    The oil and gas and mining complexes play an important role in the Russian economy. The trend towards digitalization of these areas opens up enormous prospects in the context of data science. Working with such increasing volumes of data will allow us to obtain new knowledge about the structure and processes occurring in the fields. Modeling and predictive analytics, including using Big Data technologies, will help identify new dependencies that trigger subsequent optimization cycles.